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  • When my past calls, I don’t answer, it has nothing new to say

    It’s been nine years since I last took a drink. Nine years since I woke up with the crushing guilt of another night lost to alcohol, the fog of hangovers clouding my mind and the ache of regret settling into my bones. Nine years since I decided to break free from the chains of addiction…

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  • A Deep Dive into Appreciating Vulnerability

    In recent years, the term “vulnerability” has been thrown about to encourage people to share their deepest, darkest moments of their lives. While I have no problems with anyone sharing their vulnerabilities, I have a different perspective. I think it’s time we appreciate vulnerability comprehensively. For example, a person who shares the secrets of how…

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  • Empowering Strategies for Nurturing Your Mental Health

    Taking care of your mental health is just as important as caring for your physical well-being. Here are some effective coping strategies that might help during tough times: Talk About It: Sharing your feelings with someone you trust can make a huge difference. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or a professional, opening up can…

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  • World Suicide Prevention Day 2023: Creating Hope through Responsible Media Reporting

    September 10th marks World Suicide Prevention Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness about suicide and taking action to prevent it. One crucial aspect of suicide prevention is responsible media reporting. The way suicides are portrayed in the media can have a profound impact on public perception, attitudes, and behaviors. This year’s theme, “Creating Hope…

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  • Toxic Workplaces & Mental Health: Identifying the red flags

    I have come to appreciate how much control I have in my recovery journey. As a PWLE (Person With Lived Experience), being very intentional about how I safeguard my mental health has always been my number one priority. Recovery is a very personal journey. Everyone’s recovery looks different. However, as you progress in recovery one…

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  • Kenya Suicide Prevention Strategy, a step in the right direction.

    As I peruse through the Kenya Suicide Prevention Strategy 2021 to 2026 that was recently launched by the Ministry of Health, I can’t help but think about how the provisions within this strategy would have come in handy back in 2011 when I attempted suicide. As a survivor of suicide and as a person with…

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